
“The best teachers learn alongside their students,
The best school leaders learn alongside their teachers,
The best education systems learn alongside their schools”

— Santiago Rincón Gallardo

An Overview

Throughout my professional career of over two decades, I have had the privilege of working in pairs of worlds that often exist separate from each other: academia and practice; top-down education reform and grassroots educational change; school improvement and community organizing; the ‘developed world’ and the Global South. And I have seen the power of bringing these pairs of worlds together: that’s where the magic happens. I’ll be delighted to put my experience and knowledge in the service of your efforts to liberate learning.



Expect from me presentations that are clear, engaging, grounded on the best available knowledge from research and practice, and free of academic jargon. My presentations are intentionally designed to ignite your head, your heart, and your hands. I will know I have succeeded if you leave my presentations seeing the world and your work in a new way, with a renewed sense of hope, and with a good sense of what to do next.


Courses and Workshops

I design and deliver professional learning experiences tailored to the needs and burning questions of your group or organization. My workshops are grounded on an explicit, clear, and evidence-based understanding on why and how people learn. They combine short presentation of key ideas with carefully designed activities for individual and collective processing, adaptation, and use of the key ideas. I know I have succeeded when you leave my workshops energized, with a clearer sense of direction, and with good ideas of your next steps in your journey to liberate learning.



As a consultant I act simultaneously as an expert and an apprentice. I bring to the table my over 20 years of experience promoting, learning, thinking writing, and speaking publicly about educational change. At the same time, I have a lot to learn from you, your organization, your work, your context, and your history. When you work with me, I will not come in as the expert with a pre-determined solution who tells you what to do, but as a learning partner that will figure out and develop with you and your team paths of action most likely to succeed. I will get immersed in your organization, its people, its aspirations its work and its context. The specific product(s) I can produce as a result will be tailored to your needs, but for now you should know that my involvement as a consultant will

My Experience

Adipiscing sed auctor sit venenatis diam amet, purus turpis cursus nunc malesuada vel sit interdum at.

Iaculis enim urna volutpat feugiat dui platea ullamcorper augue amet magna pellentesque gravida in laoreet lorem sit velit, viverra massa lacus fusce tellus pellentesque.


Digital Marketing Consultant

Interdum vestibulum quisque velit eros, risus eu eget id facilisi non diam enim lacus nisi.


Senior Digital Marketing

Sit nunc a odio sollicitudin et sed platea vitae risus posuere nunc semper varius justo quis.


Social Media Manager

Sed habitasse sed maecenas quis nibh cum in aliquam iaculis donec nunc, sollicitudin elit eleifend.


Freelance Marketing

Aliquam tellus amet adipiscing felis sit sed non nulla ac, vestibulum nulla lectus risus at ut.

Featured Courses

Sit nunc quis viverra commodo risus integer imperdiet massa blandit odio eu nunc, sed gravida nisl, sit eu auctor id ut pretium ultrices in.
[ld_course_list col=3 order="asc"]
Sem ornare lacinia cras eu luctus diam consectetur sagittis maecenas sit et sed aliquet placerat interdum mattis elit laoreet sit tellus mauris.
Oliver Goodman
Est ipsum iaculis pellentesque massa gravida sed massa sollicitudin vulputate morbi augue morbi purus dolor aenean.
Emma Stone
Sed ultrices ipsum tortor sed diam volutpat in arcu sed turpis senectus mauris, egestas dignissim nec, vulputate ultrices aliquam risus imperdiet risus, non sagittis
Nathalie Moore
Sagittis ullamcorper est luctus tellus, lacus consectetur sed adipiscing in diam magna id lacinia at maecenas sed vitae porttitor sagittis sit morbi in pharetra, porta scelerisque.
Luiz Enrique


Non rhoncus sed lacus massa sed purus mauris quis turpis id morbi eu fermentum sem.

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Sit nunc quis viverra commodo risus integer imperdiet massa blandit odio eu nunc, sed gravida nisl, sit eu auctor id ut pretium ultrices in.

Elit mattis platea rhoncus

Id nullam massa morbi tellus ullamcorper dui mauris sed placerat at lacus lorem fringilla

Elit mattis platea rhoncus

Id nullam massa morbi tellus ullamcorper dui mauris sed placerat at lacus lorem fringilla

Elit mattis platea rhoncus

Id nullam massa morbi tellus ullamcorper dui mauris sed placerat at lacus lorem fringilla

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